MLA Glossary
Database (LMC)
Educational websites with high quality materials that the district LMC subscribes to support school research assignments.
Educational websites with high quality materials that the district LMC subscribes to support school research assignments.
Edition (book)
A book that has had new materials added, updated, or revised and published after the original publication of the book (e.g. 2nd edition, Re-vised and Expanded Edition).
A book that has had new materials added, updated, or revised and published after the original publication of the book (e.g. 2nd edition, Re-vised and Expanded Edition).
Edition (newspaper)
Newspapers sometimes publish different editions of their paper as well. These might be based on geography (National edition, Mid-west Edition) or time of day (Evening edition, Early Edition).
Newspapers sometimes publish different editions of their paper as well. These might be based on geography (National edition, Mid-west Edition) or time of day (Evening edition, Early Edition).
A publisher sometimes publishes books for specific markets (e.g. elementary or high schools) or specific product lines (e.g. cookbooks) using a different name or division in the company. If the imprint is named on the title page along with the main publisher name, you should include it in your citation.
A publisher sometimes publishes books for specific markets (e.g. elementary or high schools) or specific product lines (e.g. cookbooks) using a different name or division in the company. If the imprint is named on the title page along with the main publisher name, you should include it in your citation.
The individual publication of a weekly, monthly or yearly of a magazine or journal. Issues are given a number (Issue #2) or date (May/June). Several issues make up a volume.
The individual publication of a weekly, monthly or yearly of a magazine or journal. Issues are given a number (Issue #2) or date (May/June). Several issues make up a volume.
A magazine for a specialized audience (scientists, doctors, professors, etc.), to communicate the latest original research studies or scholarly writing. It is sometimes referred to as an academic or scholarly journal.
A magazine for a specialized audience (scientists, doctors, professors, etc.), to communicate the latest original research studies or scholarly writing. It is sometimes referred to as an academic or scholarly journal.
Publication that is published on a regular schedule—usually daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. In most cases, these are magazines, newspapers, news-letters or journals.
Publication that is published on a regular schedule—usually daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. In most cases, these are magazines, newspapers, news-letters or journals.
Reference Source
Books or websites that have collections of short pieces of factual information for re-search projects. Examples include dictionaries, encyclopedias, or almanacs. They are not meant to be read from cover to cover and are organized so you can quickly find needed information.
Books or websites that have collections of short pieces of factual information for re-search projects. Examples include dictionaries, encyclopedias, or almanacs. They are not meant to be read from cover to cover and are organized so you can quickly find needed information.
Books that are published in a sequence that share some characteristic or theme. For example, a publisher might publish a set of books called Presidential Biographies. Each book would cover the life of a different president. Look for the series name (and possibly number) on the title page of the book.
Books that are published in a sequence that share some characteristic or theme. For example, a publisher might publish a set of books called Presidential Biographies. Each book would cover the life of a different president. Look for the series name (and possibly number) on the title page of the book.
Source Citation
Basic information about the web-site, book or other material used in your research project. A citation follows a specific format used by all students and scholars. There are many different styles of citations. Our school uses the Modern Language Association (MLA) format. Our LMC database companies provide for suggested source citations for students to adapt for their own projects.
Basic information about the web-site, book or other material used in your research project. A citation follows a specific format used by all students and scholars. There are many different styles of citations. Our school uses the Modern Language Association (MLA) format. Our LMC database companies provide for suggested source citations for students to adapt for their own projects.
Title Page / Verso Page
The title page in a book or reference book is placed at the beginning of the text. It contains information about the title, author, publisher, and other information needed for a citation. . The verso page is printed on the other side of the title page. It also contains needed citation information.
The title page in a book or reference book is placed at the beginning of the text. It contains information about the title, author, publisher, and other information needed for a citation. . The verso page is printed on the other side of the title page. It also contains needed citation information.
The address ( for a web page. Also know as a uniform resource locator.
The address ( for a web page. Also know as a uniform resource locator.